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Feature Redesign

Project Overview

Garmin International sponsored a project in my Experience Studio course at Purdue University.


Our team was tasked with improving the LiveTrack feature within the Garmin Connect application through various methods of research and design, creating a more intuitive experience for users.

My Primary Roles

1. Co-Lead of the Team

2. Lead Interaction Designer 


11 Weeks

What is livetrack?

LiveTrack is a feature within the Garmin Connect application that allows users to share their activity data and location from their Garmin Device, live, to their friends and family via various sharing methods.

Sharing methods include:

Email, Facebook, Twitter, and Link Sharing


Screenshot of Live Activity Streaming

Heuristic Evaluation

We used Nielsen's 10 heuristics to familiarize ourselves with the product and discover usability issues.

Competitive Analysis

We did a competitive analysis to gather information on how other applications carry out their tracking function.


We used a survey to:


Gauge users usage of the LiveTrack feature


Gain insight into their experience with LiveTrack


Learn about the discoverability of LiveTrack within the application


The goal of our interviews was to verify data from the survey results.


We hoped to get more insight as to why some users choose to use the LiveTrack feature and why some do not.


Below is a brief overview of our research methods and findings. For our primary research methods, we used runners. Some of these runners used Garmin wearables or other activity trackers.


For details and findings from each section, please select "See More"

Research Analysis

Overall takeaways from our research methods

The onboarding and setup process is not intuitive and hard to understand.

Competitor apps that have similar features utilize an in-app viewing experience. LiveTrack requires users to view live activity in a web browser

The majority of Garmin users had never heard of or seen LiveTrack within the Garmin Connect application. The discoverability of the feature was not intuitive. 

The users who had heard of LiveTrack but didn't use it felt that they didn't have a reason to share their activity. 


We created a persona for each of our user groups.

Please select the user group buttons to view the corresponding persona.

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Mónica Reyes

27 // Female

Uses LiveTrack

“I like how LiveTrack connects me with family and friends. They can cheer me on and know I am safe.“

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Callum Turner

32 // Male

Heard of LiveTrack - Doesn't use it

“I know what Livetrack is, but I don’t think anyone cares to know where I am.”

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Angela Roberts

38 // Female

Does not know what LiveTrack is

“I’ve never seen or heard of LiveTrack. Where would I find that within the app?”


When we moved into our design phase, from our research, we had 3 problems that we wanted to solve.


Help Users Find LiveTrack within Garmin Connect


Give Users a Reason to Use LiveTrack


Help Novice Users Understand LiveTrack


In our survey, we found that 51% of our respondents hadn't seen or heard of LiveTrack.

Our recommendation was to place an indication LiveTrack in a high traffic area of the app.

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Our Idea: Whenever you have a connection sharing a LiveTrack session, it should appear on the 'My Day', dashboard-like page, of the app. This way, the feature will be seen by all Garmin Connect users.


In our interviews and survey, we found that people felt they didn't have a reason to use LiveTrack.

Also, while looking through fitness Facebook groups, we found that people were sharing screenshots of their activity.

Our recommendation was to foster this experience within the Garmin Connect application and allow for more group interaction internally.

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Our Idea: Allow for groups within the Garmin Connect application. These groups could share their activity with each other, chat, and send images.


Our heuristic evaluation helped us find out that there was no clear onboarding process. Also, we found that the help and documentation aspects of the feature were lacking.


Our recommendation was to include an onboarding process for first time LiveTrack users.

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Education Walkthrough 1.png
Education Walkthrough 2.png
Education Walkthrough 3.png
Education Walkthrough 4.png

Our Idea: A quick onboarding process would be presented to users when they access LiveTrack for the first time. After seeing this once, they would not see it again.


To play with the prototype, click the following button.

See the prototype in action in the following video.

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